Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Club Penguin Stories: Sensei's Secret

The Beginning:When Sensei is in Tokyo

When Sensei is young, he had two brothers in town. One is Tomoyo and one is Yamada.
They are good brothers. One day, Tomoyo has been gone swimming and he left Sensei and Yamada
at home. Their home is in the Dojo. Suddenly, one penguin rushed into the dojo and said:"Sensei,Yamada! Your brother has been missing!" Sensei and Yamada rushed to the pool.
They saw Tomoyo was gone. Lots of penguin was curios,why did Tomoyo was missing?

The mystery of Tomoyo

The citizens of Tokyo, all the penguin pray for Tomoyo because Tomoyo is the best swimmer in Tokyo.The next day, the answer came out. In the news,they said:"Citizens of Tokyo,our best swimmer in town,Tomoyo,has been died." "Tomoyo died because he has been drown in the sea,the killer is Tazuki and Somoshi."said the reporter. When Sensei and Yamada heard the news,they were sad because they had no parents, and a brother.

Yamada, the Bad

Since Tomoyo died, a card-jitsu master come to dojo. And he said:"Hello Sensei,hello Yamada. I'm Kimura,the Card-jitsu master. I'm here want to buy this dojo and train you all to be a great ninja."
Then,Sensei asked:"Just two of us? Kimura?" "How dare you call me 'Kimura'!Call me Master!" said Kimura. And then, they began their training. After 3 years, Sensei and Yamada had been Grade 5 ninja. Since they are a ninja, Kimura had a cancer and dead. When the news came out, Yamada being bad and worse! He in class always bullying and fighting. Sensei had no idea with his brother.

The Dead of Yamada

When Yamada was finding a job, he always wanted to go jungle and kill all the jungle puffle, because he hates the jungle puffle. He invites all his buddies to go to the jungle and kill the puffle. Sensei wanted to stop him but Yamada can't listen. One day, a penguin come to dojo and said:"Sensei! Your brother has dead!" Sensei rushed into the jungle. he asked lots of penguin about Yamada's dead, a penguin said:"Yamada killed by Tazuki and Somoshi." Sensei cried and said:"Why did they my brother?! One is Tomoyo! And one is Yamada! WHY?!" A penguin said:"When Tomoyo alive, he is a good at swimming, Tazuki and Somoshi was jealous and kill him. Now, they know Yamada is a ninja,they were jealous and kill him." Sensei still keeps crying about his two brothers.

Meet the Killer

When Tomoyo and Yamada died,Sensei became a great ninja because he trained his own. One day, there had two penguin came into dojo. One of the penguin said:"Hello there,you must be Sensei."
Sensei had no idea who were them. Another penguin said:"Don't you remember?We are your brothers' killer! I'm Tazuki. He is Somoshi." Sensei was shocked when he heard that. "Why did you kill by brother?!"said Sensei. "Somoshi and I has been jailed in two years ago. We are here for a payback....."said Tazuki. "Why don't we had a battle? SENSEI?"said Somoshi. Sensei accepted their challenge.

The Final Battle

The battle started. They are now fighting in the dojo. For Sensei the Great Ninja, he lose. And he remember, his master teach him that how to bring back spirit. He tried to bring back Tomoyo's and Yamada's spirit. "Spirits of my two brother, please bring BACK!"shouted Sensei. Suddenly, his two brothers' spirits besides Sensei. "Oh no! He is a ninja!"said Tazuki and Somoshi. For this round, Sensei wins. Lots of penguin thanked him for saving the citizens of Tokyo.

The Journey End

Sensei is going to move to Club Penguin Island because he think that Tokyo is un-safety place. He move to Club Penguin and built a dojo. He even can teach all the penguin how to become a ninja around Club Penguin Island

The End.

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